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James Mulvany - Preaching Minister

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After several years of supply preaching in the area I was called to Bethel as minister in September 2019. This congregation has a great history of serving the Kingdom for Christ in our area I am honored to be a part of that. I have many heroes in the ministry that I have gained my love for preaching from and I am excited to see how God uses me here at Bethel Christian Church. My wife Janet and I have been married since 1983 and we have 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. Any free time I have is used by spending time with my wife or with my grandchildren.

Feel free to come visit us at Bethel, we would love to have you.


Bethel Christian Church is a New Testament, non denominational church. Being New Testament means we are patterned after the church created by Jesus Christ and built by the apostles, which is detailed in the Acts of the Apostles. Being non-denominational means we do not follow man-made doctrines or
ideas when it comes to salvation and service to God. We strive to make the Bible our only rule of faith and practice. Another facet of being non-denominational is that our church is self supporting. We do not believe we are the only Christians but “Christians only.” We want to embody the restoration maxim: “In essentials, unity, in non-essentials, liberty, and in all things, love.”


Becoming a Christian: The plan of salvation in Scripture tells us that we must believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, repent of our sin, confess Jesus Christ before men and be baptized into him through total immersion. Completing this plan results in our receiving God’s forgiveness and the indwelling gift of His
Holy Spirit. Total surrender to God results in true life from God. Any believer from another Christian community who has obeyed the gospel and is committed to the deity of Jesus Christ can transfer membership to Bethel Christian Church.


Lord’s Supper: We celebrate the Lord’s Supper each Lord’s Day as modeled by the New Testament Church. Communion is at the very heart of worship.

We invite all believers to join us in this celebration.

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